You invest a lot of time and money into your facility’s appearance. Graffiti can be a blemish that diminishes curb appeal and, if left unaddressed, can even negatively impact your business’s reputation. Moreover, an abundance of graffiti covering your walls can...
Commercial Painting
Three Reasons to Schedule Your Painting Project with Connor Now
Your facility is a large part of the first impression you give to people. Perhaps you can’t recall the last time the building got a fresh coat of paint. Or, you notice flaking on the conference room walls. It may just be the right time to change up the color scheme....
Have You Waited Too Long?
When I was young, my entire family trembled when an appliance went on the fritz. There was never enough money to set aside for a costly repair or replacement. We were in reaction mode all the time. That sort of training is hard to get over. But once you’re in a...
5 Maintenance Painting Steps to Avoid Costly Issues
Whether it’s sun, wind, water, freeze, or thaw, Mother Nature will do a number on the exterior of your facility or the facility you manage. We’re talking big bucks here to repair or replace exterior damage which can be avoided with a little planning and preparation....
Connor Fine Painting Wins 2017 Zero Injury Award
The Connor Fine Painting safety culture On Wednesday, May 2, Connor Fine Painting was honored with the Coalition for Construction Safety (CCS) Zero Injury Award. The award is given to CCS Safety Certified organizations whose employees have not suffered a work-related...
Connor Fine Painting – Brehob Corp Hoist
Connor Fine Painting recently painted a hoist for The Brehob Corporation at the Crown Equipment Corporation Facility in New Castle, IN. The hoist was erected so we were able to precisely paint the entire apparatus. Our highly skilled professional painters, attention...
Connor Fine Painting, “Sharing the Dream” in Indy
Connor Fine Painting joined Citizens Energy Group employees in their 10th Sharing the Dream philanthropic event in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King. Our commercial painting employees enjoyed beautifying the Brookside Park Family Center Gymnasium for members of the...
Happy New Year from Connor Fine Painting
May your masking be meticulous, your coatings conscientiously applied, and your painting precise. We wish you peace, prosperity, and joy in 2018. Thanks to the Connor Fine Painting pros for donating their brushes for our holiday wreath. They know a little something...
A+ for Maintenance Painting
It’s back to school for the kiddos and the last thing they are thinking about is painting. Well maybe in art class — not on the walls, windows, doors, brick, equipment etc. But, you can be sure that students, teachers, parents and guests recognize a fresh, cheerful...
Elegance Meets Safety on Indy Rooftop Coating
It is a great asset in life to see beauty in all things. And when beauty, elegance and safety converge on a Connor rooftop coating project — well — be still my heart. The metal barreled rooftop sits atop the roof of a prominent Indy commercial building. The original...