You invest a lot of time and money into your facility’s appearance. Graffiti can be a blemish that diminishes curb appeal and, if left unaddressed, can even negatively impact your business’s reputation. Moreover, an abundance of graffiti covering your walls can...
Institutional Painting
Creating a New Path: Custom Solutions for a Public Sector Painting Project
When a Hamilton County government facility faced a challenge in maintaining its public-facing building, it needed more than just a standard painting solution. With a fully operational correctional facility with constant public traffic, extended downtime wasn't an...
Project Highlight: Deterring Deterioration for an Indy-area College
There is a renaissance underway in rethinking the delivery of higher education. Facility master plans must support the way our current and future students live and learn. Key redesign drivers include innovation, sustainability, and safety. Refreshing aging areas such...