Safety | Superior Work | Year Round
Your commercial painting project can’t wait. Contact Connor Painting and we’ll get you scheduled as soon as possible to fit your timetable.
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You need a painting company for your job who can get to work right away, no matter the season. With safety being our top priority, Connor Painting is ready to turn your project into a masterpiece – on-time and on-budget.
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Their workmanship and their personnel were superb and they understood the uniqueness of the building. As a result we saved time and money.Else J. Kushigian, Executive Director, Clowes Memorial Hall of Butler University
Connor Painting is our go-to painting contractor for our Cafés Patachou, Petite Chou Bistros, and Napolese Pizzerias, as well as our administrative offices. Our projects are... Martha Hoover, Owner, President Patachou, Inc.